A Digital Space for Connection and Development

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In our community focused on agri sector knowledge, which ranges from financial planning to loan and financing management, you will find a treasure trove of valuable resources.

We’re here to offer a range of benefits and a wealth of specialist content, including insights into Agro Solo and vital information about agriculture in its many forms.

A Digital Space for Connection and Development – Image Freepik

By joining our vibrant farming community, you will have access to a learning and knowledge sharing platform.

Interact with other members who have extensive experience and expertise in the field, providing a unique opportunity for professional and personal growth.

Topics Covered in the Group

Sharing knowledge, exchanging experiences and offering mutual support are fundamental pillars of this virtual space.


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Agribusiness and Sustainable Agriculture: Group members share information about agricultural techniques, new technologies in the field and sustainable practices that contribute to the development of agriculture.

Finances in the Countryside: Managing finances in rural areas can present unique challenges. In “Vida na Roça”, participants discuss strategies to improve financial management, investments and even the conscious use of credit cards.

Social Benefits: The group also addresses government programs and social benefits available to farmers and rural residents, helping to ensure that everyone has access to the opportunities they are entitled to.

Exchange of Experiences: Life in the countryside can be enriching, but it also presents obstacles. In the group, members have the opportunity to share their experiences, challenges and successes, creating a supportive network of support.

Organic agriculture, for example, values ​​crop diversity and offers more nutritious food free of chemical residues, promoting health and well-being, while it can also be supported by specific agricultural financing.

If you are passionate about rural life and the world of Agriculture, you are in the right place! Our WhatsApp community is a welcoming space for farmers, agronomists and industry enthusiasts from all over Brazil.

With a wide range of members, from seasoned veterans to enthusiastic beginners, you’ll always find someone willing to offer guidance and support, including when it comes to financial and credit matters.

From discussing growing techniques to exploring innovative and sustainable farming practices, our community is the ideal place to dive into the latest trends, innovations and challenges facing the ever-evolving industry, including financing and lending options for the agricultural sector .

Benefits of Joining the Group

Networking and Professional Connections: By participating in “Vida na Roça”, members have the opportunity to meet people with similar interests, expand their network of contacts and even find business partners.

Access to Relevant Information: The group functions as a source of updated information on various topics related to rural life, offering its members access to knowledge that can be valuable for their personal and professional development.

Support and Guidance: Whether resolving doubts about financial matters, sharing experiences about agricultural practices or obtaining guidance about social benefits, group members are always willing to offer support to each other.

Encouraging Innovation: The constant exchange of ideas and experiences in the group encourages innovation and the development of new approaches to the challenges faced by rural residents, contributing to the sustainable progress of rural communities.


The Vida na Roça group on WhatsApp is much more than just a space for casual chat. It is a vibrant and engaged community dedicated to promoting the development and quality of life of rural residents by offering support, sharing knowledge and encouraging collaboration.

If you are involved with rural life or simply interested in these topics, don’t hesitate to join this community and be part of this journey of learning and collective growth.

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